It is no question that over the years CBD has become a huge topic for people of all legal ages. With these immense strides for cannabis, it was only a matter of time before mankind thought of man's best friend.

After all, who are we to deny those who can’t speak for themselves? To act as advocates for your pups, we are here to answer your questions surrounding the forms of CBD available for your furry friend, the benefits, and also provide you with possible side effects.


The most important thing to know about CBD when it comes to giving it to your dog is that it is not a psychoactive agent, meaning your dog will not get high.

Oil Tinctures offer measurable dosing capabilities, which gives more control over what your dog is ingesting. It comes in a glass bottle and includes a dropper to extract the CBD from the bottle. With CBD Oil, not only is it easier to measure the dosage, it is also more effective as the oil hasn’t been cooked at high temperatures to make it less effective. The taste of oil tinctures is often not very good for dogs, so if your pup doesn’t take to it under their tongue, you can mix it with their food without the hassle. If you are interested in this option, you should definitely check out…

Another option for you to try is CBD treats. Infused treats are on the rise, as they offer CBD in a plethora of forms. Does your furry friend like soft chews, biscuits, or frozen treats? CBD infused dog treats are yummy for your pup, just make sure you don’t overdo the recommended amount. Before you give your dog any amount of CBD treat, read the package to see the recommended amount.

Not sure about the first two options? Capsules are another option to consider as they can also be mixed into their food. CBD capsules contain hemp oil extract that is not the best tasting, so it is actually recommended to do it this way.

There are plenty of CBD products for dogs available on Leafythings, from brands like Purlic Pet, and Sunnyside Botanicals If you think CBD could benefit your dog. 

Get CBD pet products delivered to your house same day or via mail order.


Anxiety - CBD can be used to treat dogs with sever anxiety issues. Signs of severe anxiety are constant trembling, withdrawing themselves, tucking their tails, or hiding. Studies have actually shown that when CBD is given to a dog with severe anxiety, these symptoms are relieved. Remember, there is no head high involved, rather it calms the nerves and is a good option for dogs who cannot take certain medications for it.

Healing - It is known that CBD speeds up the recovery process post-surgery because it reduces inflammation and pain. Coming from personal experience I stand by this. I have a black lab who needed a lump removed on his front paw, and when all was said and done he got a cone and a wrap to protect his paw from infection and licking. The medication worked okay but he would not leave his paw alone and kept tearing his stitches. I turned to CBD and after giving him one treat he stopped completely. In the span of about three days it had healed significantly and the inflammation was gone completely. I now recommend it to everyone who is struggling with similar situations. 

Diabetes - If your dog has type 1 diabetes, CBD can reduce damage to the pancreas (makes symptoms of diabetes worse) by regulating the immune system. With type 2 diabetes, CBD works to improve sensitivity to insulin. CBD also regulates blood sugar and helps control appetite.

Brain - whether CBD is used following a neurological event or used as an ongoing treatment for high chances of neurological events, CBD is a powerful neuro-protectant that protects the nerve cells from impairment, damage, and degeneration.

Some other honourable mentions include joint pain (which we know works for us), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Inflammatory properties), Cancer, Glaucoma, and so much more. Pretty crazy right?

Side Effects

Because our endocannabinoid systems are largely the same, it can affect dogs in the same way it can for us humans. Since CBD is a holistic treatment, side effects are rare and not very extreme, compared to many other medicinal approaches. With that being said, side effects can include drowsiness, diarrhea, itching, dizziness, and vomiting. Once again, these effects are very rare, and can only occur while the CBD is being processed through a dog's system. 

If you are giving your dog other medications this is also something to consider because it can make the CBD effects stronger and more effective. Before giving your dog any CBD products I highly recommend speaking with your vet to see if it is right for them.

We also recommend supervising your dog and monitoring their behaviour, just like you would if they are a little puppy or have a new chew toy. If anything seems off about their behaviour (besides improved anxiety or other benefits) this could be a side effect. Of course if you do notice side effects please do not keep giving them to your dog, if it’s not fun for you than it’s definitely not fun for your dog.

Can CBD become Toxic for Dogs? 

Toxicity and overdose are serious concerns when it comes to CBD for dogs. However, when you purchase CBD products that contain no THC from reputable brands and follow the package instructions on dosage, you don’t have to worry about your dog overdosing. Most dogs tolerate CBD products well. When there is a negative reaction, it’s typically mild stomach upset or diarrhea. Most dogs don’t need medical intervention and will recover at home in a short period of time. Pay attention to the CBD dog products that cause that reaction. You may need to reduce the dose or go with a different product. 

What happens if a dog gets into the CBD edibles or other products and consumes more than the 
recommended dose? 

Short-term gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea or vomiting may occur if they consumed a large dose. The 
biggest concern for most dogs is dehydration from diarrhea. Monitor your dog at home while providing a 
lot of fluids. 

If you’re concerned, seek medical attention for your dog as you would with any other supplement. 
Will CBD Dog Treats Interfere with Pet Medications?

If your dog takes medication for a medical condition, treat CBD oil for dogs just as you would any other medication or supplement. Talk to your vet to make sure the CBD dog treats you have are safe for your dog to consume. 

In most cases, there are no concerns regarding CBD interacting negatively with other supplements or medications. Studies have shown a slight impact on how dogs metabolize some drugs when CBD supplements are introduced, but that impact is insignificant in most cases. 

Is Marijuana Safe for Dogs to Eat? 

When using marijuana for pets, stick with CBD products made specifically for pets. Those products won’t contain THC, which means your dog won’t feel high after consumption. CBD dog treats are also properly dosed to ensure the right amount of CBD is delivered with each serving. Using CBD oil for dogs is different from allowing your dog to eat marijuana. Canines react to the psychoactive effects of THC with more intensity, so they aren’t likely to enjoy the high they receive from eating weed. If they eat too much, they may get sick and experience gastrointestinal distress. In extreme cases, your dog may need IV fluids and oxygen after consuming a large amount of dried weed or a fresh marijuana plant. These products aren’t the same as CBD pet products that don’t contain THC. 

Tips for Getting Started with CBD Oil for Dogs 

Now that we’ve explored the benefits of using CBD oil for dogs and the type of products available for pets, are you ready to give your dog the CBD advantage? If so, pick the CBD form that you think your dog is most likely to accept easily. You know your dog best, so use your best judgement when choosing between drops, edibles, and capsules. Mixing it with your dog’s favourite food is a great strategy because they may not even know that you’re giving them something new. If you’re concerned about the effect on your dog, start with a small dose. You can go with half the dose recommended on the package. Once you see that it doesn’t upset your dog’s stomach, you can increase the dose gradually. 

Consistency is important if you want to maximize results, so it helps to set a time that you deliver the CBD daily. For instance, you may put it in your dog’s food every morning to start the day off right. Give the CBD time to work for your dog. Just like most medications, you may notice the best results after your dog has received consistent doses for a week or longer.