Lawmakers just voted to approve Gov. Ralph Northam's proposed changes to a bill to allow adults to possess and cultivate small amounts starting in July.

The amendments accelerate the timeline of legalization by about three years.

It also lays out a complex process of creating a new state agency to oversee the marijuana marketplace once marijuana retail becomes legal in 2024.

The bill to legalize marijuana in July is by no means a free pass to smoke it, according to lawmakers.

Based on the law you can grow it, gift it in private, or have an ounce or less in your possession if you’re over 21. However, selling, buying, or driving with it will be illegal.

The bill as passed is leaving many unknowns for localities according to some local lawmakers. That’s because the General Assembly still has to come back in next year's session to vote on the rules for growing and selling it and enforcing the law.

All local lawmakers voted on party lines, and Republicans see many holes in the legislation.

Senator Steve Newman said it really should have waited a year or two and gotten to get it right and take all the union issues out.

The Governor needed a victory this year, so he passed the bill," he said.

Democrats in our area think it is the right step.

“I think it’s the right thing to do ultimately because this is not about trying to allow people to go out and buy because retail sales won’t be legal," said Delegate Chris Hurst.

Hurst believes it’s not about trying to grow an industry, it's about making sure if people have up to an ounce, they are not going to be treated like a criminal anymore in Virginia.

It’s important to note that localities don't get to choose if they follow this. That idea was shot down during the preliminary stages of the bill.


