No matter how experienced you are, everyone has a story about when they got a little too high. Maybe it was your first time dabbling with cannabis, or maybe you ate a few too many brownies. 

Cannabis is meant to increase feelings of euphoria, decrease anxiety and stress, and help you relax. However, overdoing it can cause serve anxiety and paranoia. We’ve put together a list of things you can do to come down from a high that’s gotten to intense.

Related blog post: Best Weed Strains for Stress 


Drink and Eat Something


Drink water or some fruit juice! Staying hydrated, no matter how high you are is extremely important. Eating and drinking will also take some attention off your high and allow you to focus on something else. Just be sure to avoid mangos, as the fruit can enhance and prolong your high.


Take Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen has been shown to reduce the effects of marijuana. So, before you grab a snack, take a couple and your high will lessen in no time. We always recommend having some in the house, as going to the corner store too high is not a good idea.


Relax/ Stay Calm

We know it can be hard to relax when you over did it, but it is very important you do so to the best of your ability. Put on a comedy show, chat with a friend, or try and take a nap. Remember, the high can’t last forever and nobody has ever overdosed on weed.


Black Peppercorn

Chew on a couple whole peppercorns, add to your snacks, or even just sniff some. This common kitchen ingredient has been shown to reduce a high almost instantly. Sounds crazy right? This method was discovered by Neil Young in the 60s and has been used by smokers ever since. Specific compounds in peppercorn helps to deliver the more relaxing effects of THC. Basically, it increases the sedating effects of THC rather the psychological effects, which are what make you anxious and paranoid.



Taking CBD is a great way to counter the psychoactive effects of THC. Vaping CBD oil will work the fastest, or you can ingest oil which will take a bit longer to work, but still just as effective.

Related blog post: CBD: A Beginners Guide



Take a Cold Shower

Trust us on this one! Getting in the shower will help reduce your symptoms of anxiety and paranoia. Allow the water to run over you while it calms your racing mind and eases your heart rate. Even splashing your face with cold water should do the trick.