
WELCOME TO FUJISAN, we focus on quality service and customer satisfaction before anything else.
Same-Day Delivery (30-120mins)
Min order 85$
For quick ordering process, please include the following in ONE TEXT: 437-245-2767
1)Complete Order. Please also pick your free promo if applicable.
2)Payment Method (Cash, etranfer)
3)Full Name with Picture I.D
4)Full Delivery Address
6)Phone Number
7)Any special instructions or delivery time requests
Will contact you 10-15 min before deilivery time
Please put the time slot you want to choose in the Note section upon checkout!
How To Order
Same-Day Delivery (30-90mins)
Min order 85$
For quick ordering process, please include the following in ONE TEXT: 437-245-2767
1)Complete Order. Please also pick your free promo if applicable.
2)Payment Method (Cash, etranfer)
3)Full Name with Picture I.D
4)Full Delivery Address
6)Phone Number
7)Any special instructions or delivery time requests
Will contact you 10-15 min before deilivery time
ยท Cash Only! Our courier will provide small change if required.
Please put the time slot you want to choose in the Note section upon checkout!